Odisha Community Japan (OCJ) celebrated 2013 Rath Yatra in Kawasaki Elementary School of Kawasaki on June 24th together with ardent devotees and dignitaries from Indian and Japanese establishments. It was the sixth consecutive year that OCJ has organized this traditional Indian chariot festival (matsuri) in Japan. During the event a 3-meter tall chariot was pulled by participants in the school ground. The chariot pulling continued for more than 40 minutes amidst great sankitarns by ISKCON devotees and enthralling ghanta beats by other participants. The Rath Yatra was followed by an entralling cultural program, which was performed by professionals as well as school kids from Indian and Japanese communities.

OCJ had great pleasures to have with us Mr. Snajay Panda, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of India and Mr. Atsushi Miura, Vice Mayor, Kawasaki City as the guests of honors. Among many other distinguished participants, OCJ had the pleasure of having Mr. Toyomoto Kinya, Kawasaki Ward Mayor, Mr. Terao Uichi, President, Kawasaki International Centre, Mr. Ruko Hira, President, ICCJ, Mr. Naomi Watanabe, Superntendent, Kawasaki City Education board, Mr. Yoshishin Kazuyuki , Principal, Kawasaki Elementary School, Mr. Banik, CEO, Bank of India, Mr. Pradhan, CEO, New India Assurance, Mr. Tewari, CEO, State Bank of India, and Mrs Jain, Director ISSJ.
This event cannot be realized without the kind supports from Embassy of India, Kawasaki City Office, Kawasaki Ward Office, Kawasaki Internatio
nal Center, Kawasaki Board of Education, Kawasaki Elementary School. sponsors, patrons and many others besides OCJ members. OCJ would like to thank all of them for their generous support and cooperation for the grand success of 2013 Rath Yatra.
The event was reported by several news medias.
1) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=4562071864696&set=o.136914086377191&type=2&theater
2) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151730354279784&set=o.136914086377191&type=2&theater
News reports: